Calcium Alginate Intestinal Microflora and Digestion Improvement
To cleanse the body of toxins
- Enterosorbent from brown seaweed Laminaria of Japan, a source of organic calcium.
- Effectively binds and removes from the human body radionuclides (strontium, barium, radium, cesium, etc.), heavy metals.
You should get rid of the illusions that in your body there are no radionuclides and heavy metals. The main sources of heavy metals entering the natural environment are: thermal power plants, metallurgical enterprises, quarries and mines, transport, chemical means of protecting agricultural crops from diseases and pests, etc.
The problem of removing harmful substances from the human body is currently one of the most urgent. Studies conducted in more than 10 countries have shown that alginates (salts of alginic acid), whose only source are brown algae, have the highest effectiveness of binding and removing from the human body radionuclides and heavy metals. According to the type of action on the human body, calcium alginate refers to insoluble dietary fibers - polysaccharides.
Properties of dietary fiber - Calcium alginate nutritional (dried):
- help to bind and remove from the body toxic heavy metals (lead, cadmium, etc.);
- interfere with absorption from the gastrointestinal tract and accumulation of radioactive isotopes in bone tissue and prevent possible internal irradiation;
- Not absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract;
- do not interfere with the exchange of calcium and iron;
- contribute to the cleansing of the body from cholesterol, allergens, toxins;
- help to increase the protection of the skin and mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and gastrointestinal tract, thereby preventing acute manifestations of allergies.
Calcium alginate nutritional (dried) helps to improve the digestive process by increasing the growth of normal intestinal microflora; improves the process of bile secretion; alkalinizes bile. Calcium, released during digestion, acquires an active ionic form, which ensures its almost complete assimilation.
Main Ingredients:
Calcium alginate from kelpMode of application:
Additional Information
Contraindications: individual sensitivity to the product.
Shelf life 2 years. Store at temperatures from 0 to 250C and humidity not more than 80%.
STO 74981775-005-2014